QNAP UPS Sharing via network

Using QNAP Master UPS on CentOS 7 as Slave


ssh to your QNAP

vi /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/ups/upsd.users`

Add following towards the end of file.

	password  = monpass
	allowfrom =
	upsmon slave

Goto QNAP Web interface http://<IP Address | domain name >
Navigate to :
Control Panel / Externaql Devices / UPS
[x] Enable network UPS master

On CentOS 7

sudo yum install nut-client

Edit upsmon.conf

vi /etc/ups/upsmon.conf

Add following line

MONITOR [email protected] 1 monuser monpass slave

Test using upsmon in forground

/usr/sbin/upsmon -F

Enable service

sudo systemctl enable nut-monitor  

Start service

systemctl start nut-monitor
